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Call for Proposals

*Call for Proposal Submission is closed*

We are excited to seek your active involvement to contribute and shape the Congress programme! The organising committee welcomes all healthcare professionals including clinicians, researchers, educators and scientists to submit proposals for the Congress. Submit your presentation proposal by 13 March 2023!

Programme Type

Sharing by 1 speaker
45 mins session

Sharing by 4-5 speakers
90 mins session

Submission Guidelines

Submitted proposals must be relevant to healthcare. Proposals will be reviewed by the organising committee based on the following criteria:

  • Clear programme description
  • Feasibility of programme
  • Relevancy of topics to healthcare and Congress delegates
  • Generalisability of proposal to other fields and disciplines

How to Submit?

Download the Call for Proposals form here and email the completed form to the Congress Secretariat at [email protected] by 13 March 2023.