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Abstract Submissions

  • Clinical Quality Improvement, Patient Safety and Innovations
Award​Abstract TitlePresenter
​WinnerAccelerated recovery protocol following posterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis leading to early hospital discharge: a quality improvement project ​Teddy Fabila
​1st Runner Up​Improved patient satisfaction through fluid administration in recovery – experience from the FLAIR (Fluids and feeding after surgery) project​Eileen Sim
​2nd Runner UpRevising Guidelines for Pre-Operative Assessment of Patients with Thyroid Disease to Reduce number of Pre-operative fT3 Tests performed​​Chua Jia Hui
Improving management of malignant hyperthermia (MH) in the IR and MRI suite​Stefanie Chua
​To better handovers in SGH ICUs - Implementation of OT to ICU Handover Checklist​Robin Hua
Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic: Anaesthetic Assessment of Elective Surgical Patients through Mobile Application based Questionnaire​Jacklyn Yek
Demographics of ePASS (Electronic Pre-Anaesthesia Self-Screening Questionnaire) responders vs non responders​Monica Tan

ePASS – An Electronic Pre-Anaesthesia Self-Screening Questionnaire to Reduce Face-to-Face Consultations at the SGH Pre-Admission Centre (PAC)

​Eileen Sim

  • Clinical/Translational Research
Award​Abstract Title​Presenter
​Winner​Efficacy of perineural dexamethasone in prolonging duration of analgesia with peripheral nerve blocks compared to intravenous dexamethasone: A systematic review and meta-analysis​Elizabeth Tan
​1st Runner UpAssociation of depressive symptoms, pain catastrophizing and anxiety with perceived stress in women during labor​T Agarthesh
​2nd Runner UpInter-rater reliability of the ASA Physical Status score designation between Anaesthesiologists and Surgeons and its correlation with patient outcomes​Cui Jiaqian
Smoking characteristics and Readiness-to-quit Status among smokers attending preoperative assessment clinic
—A prospective cohort study
​He Yingke
Prevalence and risk factors of preoperative malnutrition risk in older patients and its impact on surgical outcomes: a retrospective observational study ​Gn Ying Mao
Automated mandatory bolus versus continuous basal infusion for maintenance of epidural analgesia in labor: systematic review and meta-analysis​Qi Yueyue
Patient Preferences for Labor Pain Relief using a Discrete Choice Experiment​Teresa Chen
Time to Intubation with McGrath(™) Videolaryngoscope versus Direct Laryngoscope in Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (TIVIDI) : a randomised controlled trial​Goh Qing Yuan
​Perceptions of healthcare workers in high-risk areas of a Singapore hospital during COVID-19: a cross-sectional study​Angie Auyong
Investigating factors associated with increased risk of instrumental delivery in women with labour epidural analgesia: a retrospective cohort study​Angie Auyong
Predictive value of STOP-BANG Score in patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass (CABG)​Ke Yuhe
Better to be Underweight or Obese going for Cardiac Surgery? - A study in Asian populationKe Yuhe

  • Medical Education Research
Award​Abstract Title​Presenter
​WinnerBurnout in anaesthesiology residents - A systematic review of its prevalence and stressors​Sarah Lin
​1st Runner UpSurvey of Physician Comfort and Attitudes in Perioperative Opioid Prescription in Patients with Chronic PainDenise Desiree Bi Si Quah