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Clubfoot (Child) - Symptoms, Causes & Treatments | SingHealth

Clubfoot - What is it for

Congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV), also known as clubfoot, is a congenital condition in which the sole of the foot is turned inwards and backwards. The condition may affect one or both feet.

clubfoot in children conditions & treatments

There are two types of CTEV: postural and structural.

  • Postural CTEV involves muscle imbalance and/or tightness. There is usually no bone or joint involvement. In most babies where the clubfoot is postural, the forefoot can be passively moved through a complete range of motion.
  • Structural CTEV involves the bone and joints of the foot, where the child's foot cannot be passively put through a full range of motion. The joint deformity appears fixed.

Clubfoot - Preparing for surgery

Clubfoot - Post-surgery care