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Hypertension is one of the leading public health concerns in Singapore. According to the Singapore National Population Health Survey, about 1 in 4 adults aged 30 to 69 years have hypertension. National Heart Centre Singapore is organizing a public health forum to raise awareness about the importance of blood pressure management and its impact on overall health.
At "Combating High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer", three experts will address different aspects of managing high blood pressure. Dr Rizwan will discuss hypertension's fundamentals, diagnosis, and treatment importance for heart health. Ms Benita, a dietitian from Singapore General Hospital, will explore the diet-blood pressure connection and offer practical dietary advice. Ms Nadiah, an experienced physiotherapist from National Heart Centre Singapore, will emphasise exercise's role in blood pressure management, providing simple, adaptable exercise recommendations for daily life.
National Heart Centre Singapore Lecture Theatre Level 7
5 Hospital Dr
Singapore 169609
SGD$5 per person (Non-refundable)
Payment by card or PayNow accepted
Email: [email protected]