The role of Health Services Research Centre (HSRC) is to provide clinicians at SingHealth with data resources that support health services research (HSR) projects that have impact, and ultimately improve the performance of health services.In my other role as Director of Duke-NUS Programme in Health Services and System Research (HSSR), I will encourage our talented faculty to engage with clinicians and health care professionals for projects that serve the needs of HSSR and SingHealth.The SingHealth Duke-NUS Health Services Research Institute (HSRI) is the bridge between HRSC and HSSR and offers opportunities for our staff and external collaborators to have impact.Good health services research enables better decision making and outcomes. It can be used to inform changes to models of care, the adoption of new technology and the implementation of policy.As the population in Singapore ages, the demand for healthcare services is projected to increase. As such, improving the way we organise and deliver healthcare for the future is an important challenge.
Prof Marcus Ong Eng Hock MBBS, FRCSEd (A&E), FAMS, MPH Senior Consultant