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In the Spotlight​

Gavin Smith
Professor, Programme Director in Emerging Infectious Diseases Programme, Duke-NUS Medical School

Prof. Smith has been engaged in research on genetic changes in SARS-COV-2 and their potential implications for the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Together with collaborators, Prof. Smith discovered SARS-CoV-2 strains with a major deletion in the genome that is associated with a milder infection and may have implications for the development of treatments and vaccines.

Ongoing work includes investigating the intra-host genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 to identify mutations that may be indicative of host adaptation, emerging drug resistance or vaccine escape.

Shee-Mei Lok
Professor, Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Medical School

The laboratory of virus structure and function in the Emerging Infectious Disease programme in Duke-NUS led by Prof Shee-Mei Lok studies the structures of arboviruses such as dengue, zika, chikungunya and Sindbis viruses.

Her lab aims to understand the essential structural changes of the virus during its infection cycle within a cell, and also how anti-virals such as drugs and antibodies can inhibit virus infection. Her laboratory uses a combination of structural methods (such as x-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy) and also immunological and biochemical techniques to tackle these questions.

Some of our collaborators include:

A*STARNational Heart Centre SingaporeSingapore Eye Research Institute
National Cancer Centre SingaporeNational University HospitalNational University Health System
National University PolyclinicsChangi General HospitalDuke-NUS Medical School
Tan Tock Seng HospitalNational Healthcare Group Polyclinics

For collaborations and any other inquiries, please contact:

Simi Issac
IDRI Manager
Phone: (+65) 6576 7353
Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address:
IDRI (Infectious Diseases Research Institute)
20 College Road, Academia Building,
Ngee Ann Kongsi Discovery Tower, Level 13, Singapore 169856

Or fill up our general enquiry form here.