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06 Sep 2024 - CIRB Updates

The updates include:
- Informed Consent Document (ICD) Template Update
- Revised Guidance on Requirements For Informed Consent Documents

Click here for more details.

27 May 2024 - CIRB Updates

Updates on the migration of on-going approved studies to ECOS. Click here for more information. 

10 May 2024 - CIRB Updates

The new system, Ethics and Compliance Online System (ECOS) is available from 10 May 2024. Click here for more information. 

01 Feb 2024 - CIRB Updates

The updates include:
- iSHaRe shutdown for data migration from 28 Mar 2024, 5pm
- Submissions of Protocol Deviation/Non-compliance Report (DNC), Serious Adverse Events (SAE) and Other Reportable Event (ORE)
- Management of Study Team Members for on-going IRB approved studies and new IRB application
- Preparation for ECOS launch
     a. Account of existing iSHaRe users 
     b. Minimum Training Certificates

- Upcoming Trainings on ECOS

Click here.

15 Sep 2023 - CIRB Updates

The updates include:
- Revised CIRB Review Fee for Industry Sponsored Studies
- Management of IRB Study Documents in iSHaRe
- IRB Renewal and Extension of Validity Period
- Minimum Training Requirements

Click here for more details.

01 Mar 2023 - CIRB Updates

The updates include:
- Informed Consent Document (ICD) Template Update
- Revised Guidance on Requirements For Informed Consent Documents

Click here for more details.

30 Aug 2022 - CIRB Updates

The updates include:
- Assent Requirements and Template Update
- Informed Consent Document (ICD) Template Update
- Revised Guidance on Requirements For Informed Consent Documents
- New Consent Elements Checklist for Clinical Trials
- CIRB Application/ Amendment Form Update
- Change of CIRB Hotline Number

Click here for more details.

7 Apr 2022 - iSHaRe Internet Access
We regret to inform you that internet access to iSHaRe will not be available indefinitely.  iSHaRe is available for access via intranet and HVPN for SingHealth, NHG and NUHS users (Public Healthcare Institutions (PHI) users) only. Click here for more details. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

iSHaRe is currently available for access via intranet for SingHealth, NHG and NUHS users (Public Healthcare Institutions (PHI) users) only. The internet access remains unavailable. Please contact your collaborator or study team member from PHIs for assistance.

The registration of new iSHaRe account is currently not available for non-PHI users. For non-PHI users who need to be added to an IRB application or IRB approved studies, please download this "Changes to External Study Team members Form" and attach it under "Other Attachments" section of the CIRB Application/Amendment Form. Once the iSHaRe account is accessible, study team member (non-PHI user) should be added back to Section B2 through amendment. Please review the Study Team Members definition on CIRB FAQs page before submitting the form.

For Industry sponsored studies, sponsors are advised to work with the principal investigators’ institutions on the submissions of CIRB forms, checking of study status (e.g. Expiry Date) and retrieval of CIRB approved documents and decision letters.

19 MAY 2020 : CIRB Updates

The updates include:
- Study Closure for Exemption Study
- Assessment of the Suitability of the Research Site by Department Representative/HOD and Institution Representative
- Revamped Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form Template
- iSHaRe Enhancement – Form Changes
- Updated Reporting Requirement and Timeline for Serious Adverse Events (SAE)
- Study Expiry Reminder Notifications
- Removal of Version Date and Version Number from Attachment Upload Component on iSHaRe

Click here for details.

28 APR 2020 : Submissions and notifications during COVID-19 Situation

Additional questions and clarifications have been added to the CIRB Updates released on 7 April 2020.

Click here for details.

7 APR 2020 : Submissions and notifications during COVID-19 Situation

The CIRB Updates provide important clarification on CIRB’s requirements on the following during COVID-19 situation:
- Changes to the research protocol that require CIRB’s review and approval prior to implementation.
- The reporting of Protocol Deviation/Non-compliance and Local Serious Adverse Event.

Click here for details.

24 MAR 2020 : Duke-NUS & SingHealth Collaborative Research Ethics Review

- NUS has appointed SingHealth Centralised Institutional Review Board (CIRB) for ethics review on collaborative research with SingHealth Institution(s) where Duke-NUS is involved.
- With effect from 1 April 2020, new collaborative studies that involve Duke-NUS and SingHealth Institutions can be submitted to CIRB. The lead PI can be from Duke-NUS or SingHealth Institution.
- The details can be found in the FAQ: Duke-NUS & SingHealth Collaborative Research Ethics Review document. Researchers should follow the guidance provided.

13 FEB 2020 : Reminder to complete Human Biomedical Research Act (HBRA) eLearning

Researchers are reminded to self-register and complete the HBRA Essentials eLearning course on the SingHealth eLearning catalogue here by 1 April 2020.

An updated section (mandatory for HBR studies and Tissue Banking) has been added to the course. Researchers working with HBR and Tissues from 1 November 2019 are to complete this section.