SingHealth Tissue Repository (STR) was formed in 2009 . Its role was to facilitate the conduct of translational and clinical research at SingHealth and Duke-NUS Medical School through its high quality fee-for-service biospecimens banking service. The biospecimens which are stored in STR today comprise tissues and body fluid (such as whole blood, plasma, serum and buffy coat).
STR operates under the management and oversight of the Director, who is a senior consultant pathologist. SingHealth Tissue Repository Advisory Committee provides independent advice to Director of STR on strategic matters relating to STR biobanking services.
STR further extended its biobanking expertise in the provisioning of tissue processing service through its Advanced Molecular Pathology Laboratory (AMPL) , which was set up in 2013, enabling STR to provide end to end services to researchers.Since 2009, STR has collected approximately 24000 cases. As of 31st December, 2020, the available samples (by case) based on anatomic site is as below:
STR Supported Publications
Accreditation and Proficiency Testing
STR has obtained CTRNet accreditation. CTRNet Biobank certification program is a national initiative designed by a group of Canadian biobanks to address minimum standards in biobanking across Canada. Ultimately, the program’s objective is to increase public confidence in biobanks, minimize risks to research institutions/hospitals and improve the quality of biospecimens collected for research.STR is also a member of ISBER (International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories) which is a global organization that creates opportunities for networking, education, and innovations and harmonizes approaches to evolving challenges in biological and environmental repositories.STR subscribes to the following proficiency programs: