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Study Trip - Los Angeles & San Francisco

A group of 12 staff from MSKSC ACP had embarked on an innovation study trip to the United States from 01 February 2023 to 10 February 2023 to learn about innovation models and best practices from renowned academic medical centres and key industry partners. This was a good opportunity for the ACP in striving to establish a culture of innovation and drive key innovation efforts within the ACP. 

The group consisted of key leadership figures within the ACP as well as clinicians with either an existing footprint in the ACP's innovation landscape or an expanding interest in areas of innovation that includes robotics, wearables, device development, artificial intelligence and digital innovation. 

The group started off the trip in Los Angeles with visits to the Cedars-Sinai Departments of Orthopaedics and Plastic Surgery as well as Kaiser Permanente Health Innovation. They then made their way up to San Francisco with visits to Fogarty Innovation, PrinterPrezz, Stanford Biodesign and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

Study Trip 1.jpg Study Trip 2.JPG

Study Trip 3.JPG Study Trip 4.JPG