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Masterclass - 2022 Sessions elearning.png

QI Masterclass Series is developed to create a sharing and conversational platform where experts share about interesting experiences and innovative projects in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. To inject clinical relevance, there will be deliberate designing of content to be contextualised to Medicine for collective and continuous learning. With these, opportunities to improve faculty-resident engagement can be established, facilitate interprofessional collaboration and spark off new quality initiatives to solve system-level problems.

 QI Masterclass Session 1  (28 Jul)
QI Masterclass Session 2 (27 Oct)
QI Masterclass 1.PNG
In this inaugural session, Dr Eliseu Chuang and Ms Zahra Mahbooba from Duke Raleigh Hospital were invited and shared with us about their QI journey, strategies, project case studies and lessons learned, to secure and sustain engagement of physicians in QI. 
QI Masterclass 2.PNGIn this second session of the QI Masterclass Series, we have invited Ms Marian Johnson from Institute for Healthcare Improvement to share with us on how to enhance the effectiveness of health IT implementation through QI methods such as PDSA cycles and process analysis.