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SingHealth Duke-NUS Research Masterplan

The SingHealth Duke-NUS Research Masterplan was developed to set the direction for the development of research in the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre (AMC). The first version of the Masterplan was issued in 2012. Since then we have, together with the support from our partners and collaborators, grown and excelled exponentially in developing talent and resources which are essential to help us achieve the national goals and aspirations for the research sector.

The 2nd Joint Research Masterplan 2016 to 2020 (“Masterplan”) builds upon the 1st Joint Research Masterplan. It is aligned with the national RIE2020 Health and Biomedical Sciences Strategy as well as the MOH Healthcare Research Strategy 2020. The focus of the Masterplan is to champion impactful research particularly in priority areas, continue existing efforts in building research talent and strengthen key research enablers and processes. The purpose of this Masterplan is to provide guidance to all member institutions of the SingHealth Group and Duke-NUS, so that they may take reference from it in developing their own research plans and research investments, with the goal of enabling the AMC to be aligned and harmonised as it transforms into a progressive healthcare and academic organisation.

3rd 5-Year Research Masterplan (2021 – 2025)

Over the years, the AMC has invested heavily to develop a continuous pipeline of researchers that focuses on the key disease areas and themes which are essential to help Singapore propel towards better management of foreseeable healthcare challenges.

SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC Achievements (at a Glance)

The Health & Biomedical Sciences (HBMS) landscape in Singapore is expected to become more competitive, with an increased number of high quality research performers and greater demands on limited national research funding resources. The AMC is keen to collaborate closely with internal and external stakeholders, so as to generate world class research leading to health and economic outcomes for the country, and ultimately benefits for patients. To achieve this, it is essential to build up and sustain the necessary research talent as well as have enablers and processes in place to support the work.