Why Animal ResearchAnimals play a vital role in the translation of biomedical research to patient care. Animal models are used to understand disease processes at the molecular and cellular levels, develop and test new therapies and medical devices, and uncover drug toxicities prior to undertaking clinical investigations. Healthy, well cared-for, adequately housed animals are necessary to produce accurate research results. Many advances in Human and Veterinary Medicine are not possible without animal research. Caring for Animals in ResearchSingHealth’s animal care and use programme at SEMC holds paramount the welfare of research animals. Its facilities and care of research animals conform to the National Advisory Committee for Laboratory Animal Research (NACLAR) guidelines. Only upon approval by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) can research projects be carried out. While most medical and surgical advances are not yet possible without animal research, SEMC continues to pursue its commitment to animal welfare by applying the 3Rs to its practices: