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ACP Programme Grants

​The Academic Clinical Programme (ACP) Programme Grant is an academic medicine initiative designed to seed development and facilitate advancement of the ACPs’ Academic Medicine strategic goals.

The grant is awarded based on merit to promising project or candidates in 4 broad areas: Research Support, Education Support, Clinical & Systems Innovation Support and Global Health Support.

Some of its key principles are:

a) Seed development of initiatives with academic merit with a wide impact implementation across SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC.

b) Promote collaborations within the SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC &/or relevant external entities.

c) To encourage development of healthcare programmes or initiatives which are able to garner multi-source funding and promote financial sustainability in the long run.

d) To promote transformative innovation in healthcare delivery, and to cultivate a spirit of entrepreneurship in line with academic medicine priorities.

Please click here to look for more information on guidelines and forms on AMcompass Resources.

Application for FY2025 Cycle 1 is closed.

Education Support:

The Education Support category is to encourage development of health professions education programmes or initiatives which are sustainable and in line with the SingHealth Duke-NUS Education Masterplan to achieve positive health outcomes for patients and populations.

Funding quantum for each proposal is capped at $50,000 and the duration of the project may range for a year and last up to a maximum of 3 years.

From FY2022, three themes have been introduced into the grant call. They are: Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL), Faculty Development and Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice (IPECP). Applicants are encouraged to submit themed grant proposal related to the 3 themes. Non-themed grant proposals will also be considered. Preference will be given to proposals which fulfil the themes.

Applicants can refer to information sheet - appendix 2 and 3 for more information on available TEL resources (e.g. rental of headsets, project management, e-learning, animation, video production etc.) in the AMC.

Please click here for more information and application materials for Education Support category.

Clinical & Systems Innovation Support:

The CSI Support category is to promote clinical and systems innovations to transform healthcare, in support of SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC priorities. From FY2022 onwards, it consists of the CSI Main Grant and Innovation Seed Grant.

The Innovation Seed Grant aims to promote clinical and systems innovation to transform healthcare and to kick-start early stage innovation projects to translate ideas into working protypes, gather feedback and test its technical feasibility for potential scaling in support of SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre (AMC) and Academic Medicine Innovation Institute (AMII) priorities.

For CSI Main Grant, the funding quantum for each proposal is capped at $100,000 and the duration of the project may range for a year and last up to a maximum of 3 years.

For Innovation Seed Grant, the funding quantum for each proposal is capped at $25,000 and the duration of the project may range from 6 months to a maximum of 18 months.     

Please click here for more information and application materials for CSI Main Grant.

Please click here for more information and application materials for Innovation Seed Grant.

Research Support:

The Research Support is sub-divided in to 2 areas: a) Pitch-For-Funds  and  b) Nurturing Clinician Researcher Scheme.

a) Pitch-For-Funds

The PFF is awarded to the ACPs to pilot and seed research programme within the ACPs for clinicians/non-clinicians aspiring to become future researchers. Funding quantum for each proposal is capped at $120,000 or $40,000 a year for 3 years.

Please click here for more information and application materials for Pitch-for-Funds.

b) Nurturing Clinician Researcher Scheme  

The objective of NCRS is to nurture young clinicians to become successful clinician-researchers of the SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC, by supporting them with resources, including funding and protected time, to optimise their research competencies & experience, thus their competitiveness for external research grants and readiness to embark on a sustainable research career.

It consists of the Nurturing Clinician Scientist Award (NCSA), Nurturing Clinician Innovator Award (NCIA) and Clinician Investigator Development Award (CIVDA)

Please click here for more information and application materials for NCSA and NCIA.

Please click here for more information and application materials for CIVDA.

Global Health Support:

The Global Health Support category is to promote interest in and to provide opportunities for global health projects in the region.

Proposals that support and describe a sustainable line of global health research, policy, innovation and/or educational opportunities will be prioritised. Priority will be given to submissions that support cross-disciplinary engagement; with the potential for sustainable financing and scale; with robust low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs) partnerships; and that respond to pressing health challenges faced by LMICs in Asia.

Funding quantum for each proposal is capped at $50,000 and the duration of the project may range for a year and last up to a maximum of 3 years.

Please click here for more information and application materials for the Global Health Support category.

Important dates to note
1 August 2024
​Start of grant call
26 September 2024
​Close of grant call, final date for submissions to Academic Programmes Management Department

For submission of applications or any enquiries, please contact:

1 April 2025
​Announcement of Grant results via email