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AMEI Education Grant

AMEI Education Grant Call

The AMEI Education Grant supports our community of passionate educators in their scholarly efforts to evaluate and improve healthcare education for enhanced learning.

About AMEI Education Grant

One of AMEI’s goals is to develop faculty as quality and innovative educators who are interested in educational research and scholarship. As such, educators will need to explore healthcare education literature to find new ways to teach better and enhance the learners' learning experience.

The AMEI Education Grant serves as a catalyst to stimulate the development, improvement and implementation of healthcare education research projects, innovative teaching and learning methods, educational assessment tools and strategies, or novel educational technology approaches and tools.

The awarded projects should produce measurable outcomes that can be published in peer-reviewed journal articles or resource-sharing platforms, such as MedEdPortal, thus contributing to the academic community. A successful project should be sustainable and benefit a wide community of learners.

Successful projects will receive funding of up to S$15,000, depending upon the scope and category of application. The Review Committee will decide under which category applications fall. Interprofessional projects are given priority.

Grant Categories

Programme Development / Improvement Programme
Award Quantum​Up to $5,000Up to $5,000​Up to $15,000​
​Aim of Project​Develop a new educational programme or improve an existing programme using best practices based on literature review. ​Evaluate measurable outcomes of an educational programme by using an approach based on literature review. Conduct research on a significant problem to develop educational theories or find solution(s) to an existing education problem.
Phase 1:
Letter of Intent (LOI)

Submission of LOI application form 

Interested applicants may download our brand new guide for tips on writing your LOI, as well as the LOI application form here.

*Note: The LOI should include details on what the project is about, why it should be funded, and how it will be designed, implemented and evaluated.
​Phase 2:
Full Grant Proposal
(By Invitation Only)
The grant application form will be sent to the successful LOI applicants at the end of Phase 1. ​ ​ ​

Who is Eligible to Apply?

The AMEI Education Grant is open to all educators from SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC.

NEW! Download and read through the grant's refreshed terms and conditions here!


Application Process

The AMEI Education Grant Call is a two-stage application process:

  1. Educators are invited to submit their Letter of Intent (LOI) by 30 June 2024 to and
  2. Educators, whose Letters of Intent have been shortlisted are invited to submit a full grant proposal. All completed grant application forms should be submitted by 5 September 2024 to and

Important Dates to Note

​Important Dates Details ​
1 Jun 2024 ​Submissions open for Letter Of Intent (LOI)

Download, complete the LOI and send it to and
​30 Jun 2024

Closing date for submission of LOI

9 & 10 ​Jul 2024 "Tips on Writing Education Grants" workshop

Workshop information will be made known to invited grant applicants.
17 Jul 2024Announcement of LOI results

Shortlisted LOI applicants will be invited to submit full grant proposals.
​5 Sep 2024 Closing date for submission of full grant proposals 
15 Nov 2024Announcement of grant results