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Our Mission

To support the educational activities in Duke-NUS and SingHealth:
  • Facilitate synergy and efficiency in the educational programmes
  • Develop, mentor and retain the best educators for our students, residents, other trainees and faculty
  • Stimulate and support the development of innovative educational programmes

The Academic Medicine Education Institute (AMEI) synergises the educational expertise of Duke-NUS and SingHealth to form a community of passionate interprofessional educators and leaders in education. The institute was set up in support of SingHealth’s pursuit of Academic Medicine, where education is a key thrust. Our ultimate goal is to improve patient care by upholding education excellence.

AMEI offers educators' development programmes tailored to different levels of clinician educators, whether you are a doctor, nurse, allied health professional, oral health professional or healthcare administrator, and regardless of the years of teaching experience you have. At AMEI, we are united by one passion – the desire to better nurture the next generation of healthcare professionals to improve patients’ lives.

The institute also recognises and supports the academic advancement of outstanding clinician educators, and is dedicated to equip educators with best teaching practices that ignite the potential of students. By inspiring educators to promote care innovation and improved outcomes, we can transform tomorrow’s healthcare education.