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Academic Medicine

AMCompass Resources

AMCompass Resources serve as a comprehensive resource to support our Academic Clinical Programmes (ACPs), as we journey in Academic Medicine (AM). All guidelines, forms, and templates apply to AM initiatives under Joint Office of Academic Medicine - Academic Programmes Management Department (JOAM-APMD).

AMEI Golden Apple Awards

An accolade for educators – the annual AMEI Golden Apple Awards honour and recognise outstanding educators and educational programmes in SingHealth and Duke-NUS for their excellence in healthcare education!

Find A Research Core Service

Get support for your clinical and translational research projects through our cutting-edge research core services.
Jul 29 Mon
Community Partners
Singapore Biodesign Health and Medtech Innovation Workshops
Exact location for each workshop will be provided upon participant registration
Feb 7 Fri
Healthcare Professionals
'Innovating With The End In Mind' Talk by SHHQ SCOUT & SHIP
​A.L.I.C.E@KKH, Boon Siew Building, 75 Bukit Timah Road, #06-(01-07), Singapore 229833
Feb 10 Mon
Healthcare Professionals
Visit to A*STAR Innovation Factory
SIMTECH, 5 Cleantech Loop, CleanTech Two Block B Singapore 636732