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Our current world is one of constant changes and monumental disruptions to the way of life we are used to. As such, many are focused on survival and adaptation each day, with our personal well-being falling to the wayside. In these times of high stress, it is even more pertinent to take care of ourselves. Instead of just talking about self-care theoretically, it is far more effective to actually experience it. Join us for this session to understand what self-care means (it is not about scented candles or bubble baths!), and treat yourself to some self-caring through a range of experiential activities.
1830hr – Introduction by Librarian
1835hr – Sharing by Speaker
1935hr – Q&A
2000hr – Closing Remarks
Dr Soon Siew Peng is a Senior Clinical Psychologist with the Health Wellness Programme (ASCAT) at Changi General Hospital. She has over a decade of experience in psychology across clinical practice, teaching, supervision and research. She provides psychological therapy to patients with a broad range of psychiatric conditions and is involved in the development and delivery of mental health training programmes, to upskill healthcare professionals within SingHealth and the eastern region of Singapore.
Register for this event by clicking here.
Should you have any further inquiries, send us an email at [email protected].