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Dr Chiong Terri

Dr Chiong Terri

MBBS (Spore), MMed (Paeds) (Spore), MRCPCH, Specialist Accreditation in Paediatrics

Associate Consultant

Specialty: General Paediatrics

Sub-specialties: Paediatric Dermatology

Clinical Appointments

  • Associate Consultant General Paediatrics Service KK Women's and Children's HospitalKK Women's and Children's Hospital


Dr Terri Chiong is currently working in the General Paediatrics Servce and Paediatric Dermatology.

She worked in NUH Paediatrics from 2022 to 2023 as an Associate Consultant in the Children’s Emergency and also ran multidisciplinary feeding clinics for children with feeding and growth issues. During her training in NUH, she also had the privilege of representing her residency in the Singaproe Chief Residency Programme in 2022.

She has a special interest in medical education and served as the Education Chief Resident in the NUH Paediatric Residency for 2 terms. She is also an NUS Medicine Clinical Senior Lecturer since 2023. She is active in undergraduate education and organizes supplementary paediatric teachings to the Yong Loo Lin school of medicine students in her free time. She also is a house mentor as part of NUS Medicine Mentorship Programme since 2022.

She was awarded the Gold medal in her paediatric MMED exams.


  • MMed Paediatrics (Singapore) 2018- Awarded Wong Hock Boon Gold Medal
  • MRCPCH 2018
  • MBBS National University of Singapore 2015

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships


  • Asean Paediatric Federation Congress International Paediatric Quiz (1st place) 2017
  • Best NUH Paediatric resident teacher award 2017

Research Interests

Publications and Research Trials

  • Delivering medical education amidst covid19: Responding to change during a time of crisis. Nicholas N, Marion A, Perry L, Terri C. Asia Pacific Scholar. 2021. 111-113
  • Early Challenges in isolation and de-isolation of children during the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 pandemic. Chan, S.M., Chiong, T., Chhabra, M., Koh, C. T., Wong, Y. L., Sng, A. A., Ong, H.T. Journal of paediatrics and child health. 2020. 56(6), 997.
  • Aortic wall Extracellular Matrix Proteins Correlate with Syntax Score in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. Chiong T, Cheow ES, Woo CC, Lin XY, Khin LW, Lee CN, Hartman M, Sze SK, Sorokin VA. Open Cardiovasc Med J. 2016 April 27. 10:48-56. doi:10.2174/1874192401610010048. PMID: 27347220; PMCID: PMC 486997
Other academic work:

Research Trials