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Amblyopia: Overview, causes, diagnosis and treatment | KKH

Amblyopia - Symptoms

Amblyopia - How to prevent?

Amblyopia - Treatments

To correct amblyopia, the child must be forced to use the lazy eye. This is usually done by patching, or covering the good eye often for a duration of up to weeks or months. If the child also requires spectacles, he must wear it all the time.

The basis of patching is to allow the amblyopic eye to be used more often than the other eye so that it gets a chance to develop normal vision. The recovery of vision is better if patching is done at an early age.

Treatment of amblyopia - patching at KKH.


When first applying the child's patch, you may like to explain the reason to the child, or demonstrate on a doll. If the child is schooling, explain the treatment to the teacher so that she can encourage the child to perform his/her usual tasks with the patch on. She can also discourage classmates from teasing.

Treatment may take months to years. The younger the child starts treatment, the faster the recovery. The vision sometimes worsens after recovery so the child must be reviewed regularly.


Spectacles should fit comfortably on the face and ears. Different sized spectacles are available, even for babies.

A good frame should have a comfortable support at the nose and behind the ears. Sometimes a back strap may be required to prevent the child from pulling the spectacles off.

The child should be encouraged to put on his/her spectacles as much as possible throughout his/her waking hours if he/she is being treated for amblyopia. If the child is old enough, he/she can help to pick the colour of the frames. The child should never be made to feel ugly with his/her spectacles on.

Amblyopia - Preparing for surgery

Amblyopia - Post-surgery care