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Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU)

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) - What is it for

The Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) specialises in assessing pregnancy issues in women during the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. This service is available by appointment.

When should you use EPAU services?
  • You are less than 16 weeks pregnant
  • You experience mild abdominal pain and/or minimal vaginal bleeding
  • You would like an early assessment of your pregnancy though you do not have any symptoms
What to expect at an EPAU appointment?
A specialist doctor will assess your condition and you may be offered an ultrasound scan. A vaginal examination and/ or blood tests may also be needed for a complete review. Sometimes, a pregnancy may be too small to be seen via the ultrasound. It may take a few days or a few weeks to detect a heartbeat, depending on how early you are in your pregnancy at the time of visit. This means that it may not be possible for us to provide you with a clear diagnosis immediately, and you may need another ultrasound scan at a later date.

How long will the appointment take?
It depends on your clinical condition. Upon the doctor’s review, additional blood tests or a more detailed ultrasound may be arranged for you. This can add to the length of time you spend at the hospital, as you may need to wait for the test results. Please come prepared to spend two to three hours at the EPAU.

Contact us
To schedule an appointment with the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU), please contact us at
Central Appointments: 6294-4050
Alternative Appointment Line: 6394-1199
An appointment will usually be given on the same day or within the next working day.

We are located at Urgent O&G Centre Women’s Tower, Basement 1

Operating hours:
Mondays to Thursdays: 9.00am to 11.40am 2.00pm to 4.40pm
Fridays: 9.00am to 11.40am

If you have the following symptoms:
  • Significant abdominal pain
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Feel unwell
Please seek immediate medical attention at the Urgent O&G Centre, Women’s Tower Basement 1, or your nearest hospital emergency department.

Standard UOGC consultation fees apply.

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) - Symptoms

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) - How to prevent?

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) - Causes and Risk Factors

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) - Diagnosis

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) - Treatments

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) - Preparing for surgery

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) - Post-surgery care