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Knee Cap Injury

Knee Cap Injury - Conditions & Treatments | SingHealth

Knee Cap Injury - What is it for

Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFS)

PFS is a common cause of knee pain. It is an overuse injury common amongst runners, jumpers, and other athletes such as skiers, cyclists, and soccer players who put repetitive stress on their knees.

 kneecap injury conditions and treatments

Knee Cap Injury - Symptoms

  • Pain behind kneecap or front of the knee
  • Pain is worsened by activities that involve knee bending such as running, squatting or climbing of stairs
  • There may be swelling of the knee
  • Sensation of grinding and audible crepitus may be present

Knee Cap Injury - How to prevent?

Knee Cap Injury - Causes and Risk Factors

Causes of Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFS)

Structural alignment and muscle weakness or imbalance may cause the patella (kneecap) to track improperly on the femur (tight bone) during movement. This results in excessive wear and teaar on the undersurface of the kneecap in contact with the tight bone leading to pain around the kneecap.

Knee Cap Injury - Diagnosis

Diagnosis is usually made on history, and clinical examination and x-ray of the knee may be useful to assess the position of the kneecap and to rule out other conditions.

Knee Cap Injury - Treatments

Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome treatmentTreatment includes avoiding activities that will place more stress on the knee and medication to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. Physiotherapy, when the pain lessens, may be recommended particularly exercises to strengthen quadricep muscles.

Other non-surgical treatments include the use of a knee support or brace during sports participation. You may return to your usual level of exercise and sport gradually.

Your surgeon may explore the option of surgery should your symptoms not improve.

Knee Cap Injury - Preparing for surgery

Knee Cap Injury - Post-surgery care

  • Updated on 2018-05-01T16:00:00Z