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Guidelines, forms, and templates for Academic Medicine.
The 6th Perfusionist Training and Learning workshop is finally back! Many of our very own perfusion practice and protocols will be presented and discussed in this workshop. Each session is accompanied by a short segment of sharing from participants on their own perfusion experiences. Through this interactive exchange of information and knowledge, learning and training can be fulfilling and enriching for everyone. As in previous workshops, there will be high-fidelity simulation training on various scenarios in CPB and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO). Participants may train and improve their technical and communication skills in managing crisis events in both CPB and ECMO.
An optional pre-workshop observational visit on 27 October 2023 will allow pre-registered participants to visit NHCS cardiac operating theatres. Participants will have the opportunity to follow a cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) case. Additional fees and entry conditions will be applicable for this observational visit. See registration section below for more information.To register, see the registration section below.For Enquiries, please call (65) 6704 2389 or email [email protected] during office hours.
National Heart Centre SingaporeTutorial Room, Level 75 Hospital Drive, Singapore 169609
Main Workshop (28 - 29 Oct 2023): SGD$500 nett (Click Here to Register)Only 15 Slots Available (min 8 to start course)
Main Workshop & Operating Theatre Observational Visit (27 - 29 Oct 2023): SGD$850 nett (Click Here to Register)Only 6 slots available. Immunisation requirement: Additional immunisation requirement as below to enter the operating theatre for the observational visit to protect our patients and staff. If applicant is unable to meet the immunisation requirements, $100 will be refunded and applicant may continue to attend the Main Workshop on 28 - 29 Oct 2023.
Interested applicants should register and make payment in the link above, then submit the completed immunisation form (download below) together with their vaccination records and serology test results endorsed by a certified physician. Detailed instructions will be sent upon successful registration and payment. Download Immunisation Form HereCLOSING DATE: 6 October 2023
Request for cancellation/replacement must be made in writing to [email protected] by 29 September 2023. The Organising Committee regrets that requests for cancellation and refund received after this date will not be entertained. All refunds (if applicable) less 50% for administrative charges will be issued after the event. All nomination for replacement should be made in writing to [email protected] by 29 September 2023.The organiser reserves the right to change event dates, location and programme of the course without penalty. National Heart Centre assumes no liability whatsoever if the event is changed, postponed, or cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances that will render the event impracticable or impossible. Unforeseen circumstances include but not limit to Act of God, disaster, civil disturbances, act of terrorism, curtailment on transport facilities or any other emergency or perceived threat.