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18 October 2023, Singapore – KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) has expanded and enhanced its menopause service to include a multi-specialty practice comprising gynaecology, family medicine, dermatology and mental health specialists, to better support the needs of the mature female population in Singapore.
The KK Menopause Centre aims to offer women easy access to effective holistic treatment, the most up-to-date information, and emotional and psycho-social support in the community.
Professor Tan Hak Koon, Chairman, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KKH, said, "Menopause is a natural biological process that every woman goes through, and every woman’s experience is unique. Few women seek support for menopause, convinced that this is a phase they have to bear with. For the few who do, they traditionally turn to a gynaecologist. This alone may not be sufficient.
“Growing evidence show that hormonal changes during menopause can affect a woman from head to toe, from her skin, brain, teeth, heart, bones, to her muscles and emotions. The transition may leave them feeling vulnerable and uncertain. Taking a multi-specialty approach – combining specialties in gynaecology, family medicine, dermatology and mental health, alongside group support, and coupled with early assessment, detection, and intervention, will enable all women to age gracefully and healthily.”
Menopause is a natural biological process where the ovarian function gradually declines and permanently stops due to ageing, or when both ovaries are surgically removed. Some women go through this period with little to no issues at all. However, others may experience hormonal changes that result in hot flushes, sleep disturbance, mood disorder and sexual dysfunction.
Associate Professor Rukshini Puvanendran, Head and Senior Consultant, Family Medicine Service, and Co-Lead, KK Menopause Centre, KKH, said, “While most are aware of menopause, many do not fully understand it. There are many misconceptions and stigma in the community. The most common misconception is that menopause hormone therapy (MHT) is harmful. This is not true. Evidence has shown that MHT is in fact safe and effective in most women under 60 if taken under the guidance of their doctors. MHT can relieve common menopausal symptoms, improve bone, heart, skin, and vaginal health, reduce risk of colon cancer, leading to overall better quality of life.
“Menopause is a natural stage in life that marks freedom from menses and a new beginning. Lifestyle adjustments and therapy – hormonal and non-hormonal – can help women undergoing menopause to improve their physical, emotional and psychological well-being. With the right support, transiting to menopause can be transformative and empowering. As a community, we need to constantly reinforce the importance of seeking help for menopausal symptoms and good health management as women thrive healthily and meaningfully.”
Aligned with the HealthierSG initiative, the KK Menopause Centre is housed under the Women’s Health and Wellness Centre. To find out more about the new Centre and to make an appointment, visit
For more information on common misconception on menopause, refer to Annex A. For more information on menopause, please access KKH’s health guide, "Women In all Stages Empowered (WISE)", at The WISE Health Guide adopts a life-course approach and identifies the best opportunities to prevent and detect diseases early at key stages of a female’s life from 18 years old.