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An outpatient service aimed at delivering comprehensive and one-stop inter-disciplinary care for major lower limb amputees - ReGAIn, as the name suggests, aspires to provide the support needed to help our patients restore their walking ability and functional independence and in doing so improve their quality of life.
Changi General Hospital’s (CGH) Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, in close collaboration with various allied health groups including physiotherapy, prosthetic, medical social service and nursing, launched the ReGAIn (Restoration of Gait and Innovation) amputee rehabilitation service in September 2022.
Medical assessment and prognostication
Wound management
Provision of customised lower limb prosthesis
Amputee-specific physical therapy and gait training
Social support
There is a significant number of patients from CGH who undergo major lower limb amputations. Faced suddenly with the blow of loss of limb and physical independence, it can certainly be an emotionally overwhelming experience. However, many of these patients have the potential to walk again with the aid of a prosthetic limb, and this could be a key step in them taking control of their lives again.
ReGAIn embraces proven and advanced prosthetic technology. We adopt the modular socket system (MSS) which has a fast production time and allows our patients to receive their prosthesis early – in two to four weeks from time of casting.
The lower limb prosthesis is produced from resin and fiberglass material and hand molded to a customised fit. The components of the MSS can be also individualised to cater to each patient’s specific functional needs and physical abilities.
After prosthesis casting and production, the CGH care team follows up with patients for prosthesis usage assessments, and carries out further fine tuning and re-alignment of their prosthesis are offered if deemed necessary.
Since the launch of ReGAIn, our surgical and orthopaedic colleagues have actively referred suitable patients for post amputation rehabilitation and prosthetic assessment. Many of these patients have already been fitted with prosthesis and undergone physical therapy.
Heading into the future, CGH plans to introduce an individualised, step-by-step home-based exercise program to supplement the existing hospital-based physical therapy service. This will empower patients and enhance their rehabilitation journey towards physical independence and walking.
Lower limb amputee
Premorbid functional ambulators
Prosthetic users who would like to renew their prosthesis
ReGAIn welcomes referrals from general practitioners, referrals can be directed to CGH, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine – ReGAIn-Amputee Rehabilitation.
The clinic is run by Dr Li Yiding and Dr Nicole Chen Hui, who are rehabilitation medicine specialists practicing in CGH.
Medical professionals who would like more information about the clinic may contact the department directly at 6936 6455.
Appointments can be made through our GP Hotline at 6788 3003.
Tags: LEGS