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MBBS(Singapore), Dip. Av. Med.(UK), MS (Aerospace Medicine)
Specialty: Occupational Medicine
Sub-specialties: Aviation Medicine
Dr Fong is a Senior Consultant with the Department of General Medicine at Changi General Hospital (CGH). Dr Fong graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1984 and served in the Republic of Singapore Air Force from 1985 to 2007. He was sent for the Royal Air Force Diploma in Aviation Medicine Course in 1988, returning with the Dip Av Med(UK) and the Harrison Trophy for Achievement in Aviation Medicine. Due to his interest in Aviation Medicine, Dr Fong was subsequently sent for the Wright State University Aerospace Medicine Residency Programme in 1991 and became the first RSAF doctor to obtain an MSc in Aerospace Medicine in 1992.
Dr Fong held various appointments in his career in the SAF, including the head of the RSAF Aeromedical Centre, the Senior Medical Officer (Health Care) of HQ Singapore Armed Forces Medical Corps and the Commander of the Singapore Armed Forces Military Medical Institute. He was also involved in the development of many new areas for the SAF, including the Aviation Physiology and the High G Training programme for the RSAF, the development of the new Aeromedical Centre Building, the commercialisation of selected medical services of the RSAF Aeromedical Centre, the establishment of the Human Science Research Office for the SAF and the development and consolidation of the Military Medical Institute for the Singapore Armed Forces.
After retirement from military service in 2007, Dr Fong joined ST Medical Services as the Medical Director (Education) in charge of Aviation Physiology Training for the Singapore Aeromedical Centre until 2023. Dr. Fong's interest lies mainly in the development and training of aircrew, to be aware and to be able to cope with and manage the in-flight physiological demands of high-performance flight, maximising flight safety and performance.