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Dr Shah Jinesh Mukesh

Dr Shah Jinesh Mukesh

MBBS (Singapore), MRCP (UK), FAMS (Neurology)

Associate Consultant


​Dr Jinesh Mukesh Shah is an Associate Consultant, Department of Neurology at the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI@SGH). He joined the SingHealth Internal Medicine Residency and subsequently completed his Senior Residency in Neurology in 2023. He has several publications in international journals.


  • Specialty Certificate Examination in Neurology (Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom and the Association of British Neurologists), 2021
  • Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom (MRCP UK), 2018
  • United States Medical Licensing ExaminationUSMLE Step 1 and 2, 2015

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • Associate Consultant, Department of Neurology, National Neuroscience Institute (NNI@SGH)
  • Member of the American Academy of Neurology​


  • Service with a Heart Award, 2015​

Research Interests

Publications and Research Trials

  • Improving the Quality of Life in Persons with Dementia through a Pilot Study of a Creative Dance Movement Programme in an Asian Setting. Hameed S, Shah JM, Ting KSS, Gabriel C, Tay SY, Chotphoksap U and Liong A. Int J Neurorehabilitation 5: 334. (2018) doi: 10.4172/2376-0281.1000334
  • A Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Screening Program: Evaluation of Enrollment Criteria for HIV Patients in Singapore. Shah JM, Leo SW, Lee TL, Tan XL, Pan JC, Wong EP, Yong VK, Lim TH, Teoh SC. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2015 Aug 21:1-9. PMID: 24724869
  • Intraobserver repeatability and interobserver reproducibility of corneal measurements in normal eyes using an optical coherence tomography–Placido disk device. Shah JM, Han D, Htoon HM, Mehta JS.J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015 Feb;41(2):372-81. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2014.05.044. PMID: 25661131
  • Telemedicine screening for cytomegalovirus retinitis using digital fundus photography. Shah JM, Leo SW, Pan JC, Yong VK, Wong EP, Lim TH, Teoh SC. Telemed J E Health. 2013 Aug;19(8):627-31. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2012.0233. Epub 2013 Jun 11. PMID: 23756239
  • Autoclaved autologous bone graft for orbital reconstruction for recurrent temporal bone orbital osteosarcoma. Shah JM, Wong A, Lim TC, Lim J, Mun LK, Ning C, Petersson BF, Sundar G. J Craniofac Surg. 2013 Jan;24(1):e59-62. PMID: 23348340
  • Unusual presentation of Merkel cell carcinoma of the eyelid. Shah JM, Sundar G, Tan KB, Zee YK. Orbit. 2012 Dec;31(6):425-7 PMID: 22681577

Research Trials

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