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You are invited to attend this seminar hosted by the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology:Date: Thursday, 22 June 2023Time: 11.00AM – 12.00PMVenue: IMCB Seminar Room 03-46, Level 3 Proteos, Biopolis, Singapore 138673 (Physical)Speaker: Asst. Prof Ken Loh, Yale UniversityHost: Dr Fu Yu, IMCB
Body Brain interactions and how to find them
AbstractOur research is focused on interactions between the body and the brain at both inter-organ and molecular length scales. Here I will present one example of how an adipose hormone acts on the brain to affect the autonomic nervous system innervating fat tissue, which has functional implications for white fat lipolysis and brown fat thermoregulation. The second part will focus on chemo-proteomic tools that we have developed to identify new examples of molecules involved in brain-body communication under different homeostatic stressors and pathophysiological states. BiographyKen Loh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Comparative Medicine in the Institute for Biomolecular Design and Discovery at Yale University’s West Campus. A native of Singapore, he received his B.S. in Chemistry from Harvey Mudd College in 2009 and earned his Ph.D in Chemistry with Alice Ting at MIT in 2016, developing chemical-enzymatic methodologies for tagging proteins in cells. Ken next received postdoctoral training with Jeffrey Friedman at Rockefeller University, studying the role of leptin in its regulation of sympathetic nerves in the fat organ, and joined the faculty at Yale in August of 2022. His lab is interested in studying brain-body interactions at a molecular length scale, using tools in chemical biology.
ALL ARE WELCOME (No registration required)For upcoming seminars in IMCB, please visit
IMCB Seminar Room 03-46, Level 3 Proteos, Biopolis, Singapore 138673 (Physical)