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Guidelines, forms, and templates for Academic Medicine.
"At KKH, about 90 per cent of women with severe HPV-related diseases, such as cervical cancer, are aged 30 and older.
We encourage HPV vaccination in early adolescence to confer protection against HPV infection in men and women from an earlier age, and reduce the risk of HPV-related diseases."
Dr Wang Junjie, Head and Senior Consultant, Department of Gynaecology Oncology, KKH
"Majority of women who present to KKH with endometriosis-related symptoms and problems are aged 20 to 40 years old. Diagnosis from the onset of symptoms can be delayed by up to 10 years.
Proactively engaging women on their menstrual health during primary care visits can bring about early detection and intervention to reduce the burden of endometriosis across their lifespan, control disease progression and protect their fertility."
Dr Celene Hui, Consultant, Minimally Invasive Surgery Unit, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KKH